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Charity Work

Maple Creek Farms has been proud to support local animal shelters, the Forgotten Harvest, and even Henry Ford Hospital with food and donations.  Maple Creek is committed to honoring their desire to help local charities whenever surplus allows.

During the Farms Good years we were extremely proud to make a difference in a lot of places. Helping Brother Rick Samyn of the capuchin  order with transplants during the start up years of the Earthworks garden, when buying straw to bed down my animals during harsh winters we always bought an extra two hundred bales to take to the anti- cruelty folks off of I-75 near Hamtramack, they would take this straw to bed down dogs left to the cold. This to me is what it's all about. Every Friday during my delivery days I would stop at two DFD firehouses  Jefferson firehouse and the cass corridor firehouse bringing our first responders nutritious food and giving and taking recipes. To me this is what it's all about! During this good time and even during the bad this farm continued to give to forgotten harvest, the feeling of calling them and telling them to bring a semi to haul away my farms extra bounty. To me this is what it's all about! There are so many community gardens that benefited from free vegetable transplants that we gladly gave away. This farm made a Difference at one time. It will again. So help me God.

- Danny Lutz