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Seasonal Organic Produce


Several varieties of lettuce, Swiss chard, fresh dill, kale, beets, asparagus, spinach, strawberries, fresh garlic, shelling peas.


Lettuces, beets, onions, summer squash, shallots, broccoli, zucchini, patty pan squash, kale, fresh basil, raspberries, shelling peas, bok choi, peppers, cucumbers, garlic, cabbage, cilantro, parsley, celery, tomatoes.


Beets, garlic, onions, lettuce, zucchini, patty pan squash, basil, cilantro, tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, sweet corn, cantaloupe, summer squash, eggplant, hot peppers, green peppers, apples, Swiss chard, raspberries.


Lettuce, watermelon, corn, cauliflower, eggplant, onions, green & red peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, beets, arugula, Asian green mix (mizuna, mustard greens & other fall greens), butternut squash, cabbage, kale, white icicle radishes, French beans, spinach, buttercup squash, acorn squash, sweet bell peppers, apples, Brussels sprouts.

Organic Produce Restaurant Supply

Over the years, Maple Creek Farms has been an organic food supplier to some of the finest restaurants in the state of Michigan. Among those; Tribute, Forte, Coach Insignia, Shiraz, Morels, the Whitney, Inn Season, Clarkston Union, Cuisine, Pure Food to u, etc. Maple Creek Farm does plan to continue to expand in this area. Please contact us to order in-season organic foods for your restaurant.

Organic Farming Consulting

Maple Creek Farm is providing farming consulting services for individuals or farmers to support local agriculture. Expertise includes; land stewardship, managing the soil, maximizing soil fertility, rotating your crops, building soil organic matter, ground drainage, tillage, or just general getting starting consulting.

Please contact us for your consulting needs whether they are big or small we are here to support our local farmers with the knowledge that we have.